Article Scientifique

Amélie Gonçalves, Danielle Galliano, Pierre Triboulet
Eco-innovations towards circular economy: evidence from cases studies of collective methanization in France
European Planning Studies, 2021, 1-21.
Facilitating the circulation of resources and knowledge in territories is a key dimension in the transition to a circular economy. The purpose of this article is to identify the factors and dynamics of development of circularity at meso-economic level through the study of the eco-innovations on which it is based. We study collective methanization projects in the South-West of France. We use a mixed method, ‘quantified narrative method’ to characterize the development process of the projects via the nature of the resources mobilized and how they have been acquired. The analysis of the 167 resources mobilized highlights technological and organizational eco-innovation dynamics that support the development of circular economy in rural areas. Our results confirm the role of three eco-innovation factors: local resources, sectoral and institutional environments, i.e. place-based and extra-local factors. They also highlight the importance and interdependence of local and regional networks of project leaders, institutional actors and market actors. The construction of circularity results in exchanges between the agricultural and energy sectors, which intensify throughout the projects, thus reinforcing the effects of related variety. However, this circularity remains incomplete and could be reinforced through public policies designed to help these projects gain a stronger foothold.
Keywords: Eco-innovation, anaerobic digestion, resources, networks, rural, methanization

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